Curious Courses / 1
published on 24 April 2010
A friend of mine, Selina, started to organize taster courses in a wide variety of interesting subject. As we know each other for some time and fairly well she asked me if I wanted to give the first of her courses.
Of course, I declined.
And so I was the speaker for second one. Naturally, there was lots of time until I actually had to produce something. And – whamm – all of a sudden things were approaching extremely fast. In the end I wrote my first workshop and the course notes within the last two weeks. Luckily it’s just a taster course geared towards beginners, hence the difficulty was primarily in what to leave out.
Two hours go by quickly but Selina and I managed to put something together that didn’t overshoot the timing too much, including a lovely apéro that she and her husband Henrik prepared. Apart from the theoretical basics that they had to endure we setup stations where everyone could get some gear into their hands and try to balance ambient light with flash, play with some light modifiers, and look through my 4”x5” camera. And ask lots of questions.
This is Roberta, a real Italian power-woman and one of the participants of the workshop, in full biking gear just before leaving time. She’s happy because she finally picked up her print of a portrait I took of her for my “Friends at the Studio” series.
And this is the portrait I made of her… what is it by now?… wow, over two years ago.
Time flies.